The Administrative Team

  • Jennifer Bridges

    Jennifer Bridges

    Head of School/Bel Air Campus Director 

    Jen Bridges has a background in Political Science, and many years teaching various ages and subject areas. Over the course of the last 25 years, Jen has been a Montessori parent (and “grand auntie”), an Assistant in a Montessori Preschool classroom, a Montessori Preschool Guide and the Founder of Bridges Montessori. Jen is currently leading the school’s transition from a privately owned venture to a non-profit organization.

    MACTE Certified PreSchool Teacher

    MSDE Certified Administrator

  • Lisa Spencer

    Lisa Spencer

    Administrative Head

    Lisa joined our team in 2024 with the intent to inspire positive change. She has a background in Human Resources Management, as well as multiple years of experience supporting employees in the creation of a positive work environment. It is her belief that strong communication, respect, and kindness go a long way personally and professionally. Her favorite quote is  “People working together in a strong community with a shared goal and a common purpose can make the impossible possible.”  -Tom Vilsack. 

  • Isabel Bridges

    Isabel Bridges

    Towson Campus Director/3-6 Certified Guide 

    Isabel Bridges has a background in Sociology, Child Developmental Psychology, and Gender and Women’s Studies. She is currently looking at Master’s programs in Nonprofit Management. Isabel was a Montessori child, but spent her teen years actively avoiding the school her mother was building ... that is, until Spring of 2018, when Isabel realized that her passion for positive social change would be best served by caring for children in a Montessori learning environment. Isabel is the Certified PreSchool Guide in Room 2  and the Towson Campus Director.

    MACTE Certified 3-6 Teacher

    MSDE Certified PreSchool Teacher

    MSDE Certified Infant/Toddler Teacher

    MSDE Certified Administrator

  • Rachel Saladino

    Rachel Saladino

    Bel Air Program Director (In Training)

    Calm, capable, good humored, ethical and versatile…..these are some of the reasons why Rachel is such an asset to our community. Rachel has been indispensable in our school’s post COVID journey to regain staffing stability. She is always ready to lend a helping hand and works well with children of all ages. Rachel has been in the classrooms at every age level at both campuses, supporting the team. Now, she has taken charge of staffing, scheduling, and leading our team on their personalized training pathways!

    MSDE Certified School Aged Teacher

    MSDE Certified Infant/Toddler Teacher

    MSDE Certified Preschool Teacher

    Emergency and Disaster Preparedness Certified

  • Emily Chalk

    Emily Chalk

    Community Life Director

    In the summer of 2023, Emily jumped right into our school’s culture with capable hands, a committed heart, and good ideas.  With a background in Childcare and experience in Administration, she helped to refine our new Staff Onboarding platform and processes. Emily is a Montessori parent and enjoys seeing her son grow here at Bridges. Emily supports both campuses by managing parent communications and student life events.

    MSDE Certified PreSchool Teacher

    Emergency and Disaster Preparedness Certified

  • Brenda Andrews

    Finance Director

    Brenda Andrews joined the Administrative Team in 2018, as the school’s Financial Director. She has a 30 year background in bookkeeping and facility management. Brenda has led the school’s transition to Quickbooks Online over the last few years and works diligently to integrate the school’s software platforms with QBO, as we move towards our goal of becoming a Non-Profit organization. Brenda is a Montessori grandparent and loves her job.

    MSDE Certified Administrator

  • Brenda Reinhart

    Admissions Director

    Brenda Reinhart came to Montessori as a parent of both a typically learning child and a special needs child. With graduate certifications and degrees in School Counseling, she worked 10 years in the public school system. Brenda created a business that provided a social skills curriculum for Early Childhood Programs. She ran that small business for 4 years and worked in the area teaching in numerous preschool centers.  Brenda joined our team at the Bel Air campus in 2016, supporting the elementary program. In 2019, she became the school’s Admissions Director.

    Bachelors of Arts in Psychology

    Master of Education in School Counseling

  • Ryan Kammer

    Facilities Manager/Bus Driver

    Ryan began working at the school as an independent contractor in 2016. With a background in Information Technology, he joined the Administrative Team full time in 2018 to oversee the school’s technology and facility needs. Ryan drives the bus for the daily transport of students from the Towson campus to the Bel Air campus.

  • Gene Bridges


    Gene Bridges retired from the corporate world and was looking for a meaningful job in which he could use his business expertise in creative, productive ways. Gene mentioned these goals in a conversation with his former wife, who promptly thought about hiring him to help oversee the creation of a strong structure of policies and processes for the school, as she knew that that type of work was her weakness.  Surprisingly, when asked if he would like to work for Bridges Montessori, for much less money than he used to make, Gene said that he would!  Gene is truly excited to join the Bridges’ Team and use his expertise to better the school that (ironically) bears his name.

    Advanced Services Manager - Comcast (15 Years)

    Pharmacy Operations Senior Manager - Cigna HealthSpring (4 Years)

    Global Operations and Finance Senior Advisor - Cigna Healthcare (4 Years)

  • Aimie Linkous

    Administrative Coordinator

    Aimie can be found at either campus, helping with all the extraneous work that needs to be done while entering copious amounts of information onto computers. Aimie has a great sense of humor, loves ferrets, and is constantly amused by the children at school.

The 0-3 Team

  • Brianna McGee

    Bel Air Infant Guide and 0-3 Level Lead

    In 2021, Bri joined our school at the Bel Air Campus as an assistant. She proved to be a capable and enthusiastic support for the students. Bri is a natural teacher. After having her own child, Bri moved to the Towson Campus to join the Infant Room Team. Bri has found her age group!  Her experience, strong classroom management skills and commitment to Montessori philosophy (even for the youngest of students) make her a natural choice to lead our new Infant classroom in Bel Air.  We welcome Bri back to the Bel Campus and are excited to support her in this endeavor!

    MSDE Certified Infant and Toddler Teacher

    MSDE Certified PreSchool Teacher

    North American Montessori Center: 3-6 Certification

    North American Montessori Center: 0-3 (Enrolled)

  • Katie Brandon

    Bel Air Infant Guide

    After a number of years in traditional childcare, Katie joined the Bridges’ toddler team in September of 2023 and is looking forward to learning more about Montessori educational philosophy. We love Katie’s vibe, commitment, and compassion. Katie has a background in the arts and is pursuing a degree in Early Childhood Education. Katie is part of the Infant Room Team for the 2024-25 school year, working with Brianna McGee to found the new Bel Air Campus Infant Room.

    MSDE Certified PreSchool Teacher

    MSDE Certified Infant/Toddler Teacher

    MSDE Certified School Aged Teacher

    North American Montessori Center Certified 0-3 Teacher

    MSDE Certified Program Director

  • Kristen Lee

    Towson Toddler Guide

    Kristen was originally hired to join the Toddler Team in the Fall of 2022. After staying home to care for her own family, Kristen is back to work in early childhood education as a career.  She is looking forward to getting her MSDE certifications completed and starting on Infant/Toddler Montessori guide training while sharing her bright personality with the toddler room!

    MSDE Certified Infant/Toddler Teacher

    AIM 0-3 Infant Toddler Essentials (enrolled)

  • Kasey Crowther

    Towson Infant Guide

    Kasie is joining our 0-3 Team for the 2024-2025 school year with 4 years of experience in traditional childcare! Her sunshine-like personality will be sure to make the children feel comfortable as they ease into another year. She is excited to complete her Montessori training while settling down in Towson!

    MSDE Certified Infant/Toddler Teacher

    AIM 0-3 Infant/Toddler Essentials (enrolled)

  • Savanna Martin

    Towson Infant Guide

    Savanna is passionate about education and is excited to dive into the world of Montessori. She has worked as a camp counselor, teaching assistant, and paraeducator, and after researching the philosophy, has made the decision to join our team! She is eager, reliable, and goes with the flow. She is the perfect model of peace and a great asset to our infant team. 

  • Sisi Mendez

    Towson Toddler Guide

    After years of working with children as a Nanny and in Traditional ChildCare programs, Sisi joined our Toddler Team in 2022. She is ready to branch out from her role as an assistant and share her lead role in the Toddler classroom! She has completed her Infant and Toddler certification and is ready to begin NAMC Infant/Toddler guide training. Sisi is a capable, easy-going, ethical young person who truly offers compassionate service to other people.

    MSDE Certified PreSchool Teacher

    MSDE Certified Infant/Toddler Teacher

    AIM 0-3 Infant/Toddler  Essentials (enrolled)

  • Brooke Lucky

    Bel Air Toddler Guide

    Brooke knew she wanted to be a guide from early on.  She completed her MSDE PreSchool Certification as part of her high school education.  Brooke joined the school as a classroom assistant in 2021 after high school, but then decided to try other traditional Child Care programs. During her time working elsewhere, she decided that her own educational philosophy aligned closely with the Montessori approach to learning, and diligently worked to rejoin our program, succeeding in the 2022-2023 school year.  Brooke is a fun, forthright, smiley, tenacious young guide. We are enjoying watching her grow. Brooke has finished up her Infant/Toddler guide training and will be continuing to add certifications to her resume.

    MSDE Certified PreSchool Teacher

    North American Montessori Center Infant/Toddler Certified Guide

    MSDE Certified Infant/Toddler Teacher

  • Paige Strickland

    Bel Air Toddler Aide

    Paige is a graduate of East Coast Polytechnic Institute and has a strong background in customer service.  She is originally from Virginia Beach and now resides in Harford County. Her warm, calm personality brings peace to the classroom. She is excited to be a part of the 0-3 Team!  

The 3-6 Team

  • Nicole McCann

    Bel Air 3-6 MACTE Guide Room 2 AM and Intermediate guide, 3-6 Team Lead

    Nicole is passionate about Montessori and our school.  Nicole came to the Bel Air Campus just after high school to work at the Montessori school that preceded Bridges Montessori at that location. So, technically, she is the most long term employee…. even longer than Jen Bridges! Nicole returned to Montessori in 2013 as a Staff Mother. She became a Certified PreSchool guide and was instrumental in the creation of the Toddler Program at the Bel Air campus. Nicole is passionate about reading instruction and is an on campus resource for initial Dyslexia screenings. In addition to leading the Room 2 morning class, Nicole leads the Intermediate class each afternoon. Nicole is the philosophical lead at the 3-6 Level. 

    MSDE Certified PreSchool Teacher

    MACTE Certified PreSchool guide

    MSDE Certified Administrator

    Orton-Gillingham Dyslexia Training: Level One

  • Chyrl Little

    Bel Air 3-6 guide, Room 2 Assistant and Before Care guide

    Chyrl has 20 years of experience in Montessori classrooms.  Although she only  joined our school community in 2022, she is a familiar soul. Chyrl is finishing up her NAMC PreSchool Training. During the school year she does before care for the 3-6’s, works with Nicole in Room 2 each morning and takes care of nappers in Room 1 in the afternoons. She brings her love of projects and crafting to our students, for which we are very grateful. 

    MSDE Certified Infant and Toddler Teacher

    MSDE Certified PreSchool Teacher

    North American Montessori Center: 3-6 training

  • Wykeema Stanley

    Bel Air 3-6 guide, Room 2 Assistant 

    Wykeema is a hard working and passionate leader of children. Her calling began as a social work intern, and eventually led her to become a child and adolescent mental health associate for several years. This background gave her a set of skills that are highly valuable in the classroom, allowing her to bring peace to the struggling or restless child. Wykeema began teaching preschool in 2019, and has now joined the Bridges 3-6 team! We are excited to welcome her to Room 2 in the 2024 school year.

    MSDE Certified Infant and Toddler Teacher

    Bachelor of Arts in Psychology

  • Jennifer Meyers

    Towson 3-6 Guide/Intermediate Guide, Room 1

    Jennifer Myers joined our school in 2003 as a teaching intern with Jen Bridges. She said she would never leave and she has not. For that we are very grateful. Jen Bridges and Jen Myers worked in the same classroom for 10 years.  Jen Myers has mentored numerous Montessori Teaching Interns in the area. In addition to leading the Room 1 morning class, Jen Myers leads the Intermediate class each afternoon. 

    MACTE Certified PreSchool Teacher

    Master’s of Art in Education (Montessori Education and Leadership)

    MSDE Certified Infant/Toddler Teacher

    MSDE Certified Administrator

    AMS Early Childhood Reading Certification

  • Niki Kilcullen

    Towson PreSchool Assistant Room 1, BeforeCare Lead

    One day, Niki told her friend, Jen Bridges, that she had taken a job at a local preschool where her child was enrolled. Jen thought that was a brilliant idea and did the same. So, technically, Niki is the real reason there is a Bridges Montessori. Niki is a visual medium artist. She has an extensive background in creating age appropriate curriculum in science and art, and is a wellspring of positive actions and ideas that support positive social-emotional growth in her community.

    MSDE Certified PreSchool Teacher

  • Roy Vondrasek

    Towson PreSchool Assistant Room 2

    Funny story. A long time ago, a 2 year-old named Roy was a student at Bridges Montessori. When he left, his parents gifted the school with a beautiful Serviceberry tree for the playground. Many years later, a man named Roy contacted the school for some guidance in becoming a guide. He had explored other career options and really felt a call to become an educator.  Ms. Jen suggested that he come and work at the school as a classroom assistant. He did. Roy is currently taking education classes at college. He and Isabel are a great team in Towson Room 2. It is fun to see him race with the kids on the playground and swing around the Serviceberry tree.

    Authentic Institute of Montessori 3-6 Essentials (enrolled)

    MDSE Certified PreSchool Teacher

The Elementary Team

  • Christie Rutledge

    Bel Air Lower Elementary guide, Elementary Team Lead

    Christie worked as an Art Instructor and Support Staff Team member for another local Montessori program. She joined Bridges Montessori in 2014 as an Elementary Class Assistant. Since that time, Christie has finished her college education and completed her Elementary Teaching Certification. Christie has worked in every single classroom in this school. She is a dogged advocate for philosophically sound learning environments and has created a beautiful, rich and efficient elementary program for our students.

    MSDE Certified Infant and Toddler Teacher

    MSDE Certified PreSchool Teacher

    MSDE Certified Elementary Teacher

    MACTE Certified Elementary Guide

  • Rachael Brager

    Bel Air Upper Elementary Guide

    Rachael came to Bridges Montessori as an Intern in 2003. She completed her internship with Jen Bridges and Jennifer Myers at the Towson Campus. Rachael is a long time Staff Mother and has worked with every age group our school serves. During a hiatus from teaching, Rachael worked with college students acclimating them to campus life. She is truly familiar with the vista of human development. Currently, Rachael is working on her Elementary Teaching Certification. She just completed a portion of the required residency last summer and is so excited to be teaching the Upper Elementary this year.

    MSDE Certified Infant and Toddler Teacher

    MSDE Certified PreSchool Teacher

    MSDE Certified Elementary Care

    MACTE Certified PreSchool guide

    MACTE Certified Elementary guide, Intern

Our Support Staff

  • Sharon Holt


    Sharon and Jen started Bridges Montessori at the Towson Campus in 2002. Sharon retired in 2023, but continues to serve as a substitute guide and sounding board for the school.

    3-6 Montessori Certified guide

    MSDE Certified Administrator

  • Lauren Massuda

    Administrative Assistant

    Lauren joined the Bel Air Elementary team in 2022 as a classroom aide. She has a background in writing and is a published author of Young Adult literature. Lauren is also a painter and visual medium artist. Lauren is available (and loves) to fill in throughout the school’s daily routine whenever a staffing need arises! She will continue to complete MSDE certifications for each age group the school serves.

    MSDE Certified School Aged Care

    MSDE Certified PreSchool Care

    MSDE Certified Infant/Toddler Care

  • Jimmy Lee

    Support Staff

    Jimmy joined the school the summer of 2022 as a facilities assistant. Jimmy takes great pride in keeping the grounds and the buildings of the Bel Air Campus beautiful and maintained. After a career in Communication Technology and on the CSX Railroad, Jimmy is delighted to have the opportunity to serve children. Jimmy is available (and loves) to fill in throughout the school’s daily routine whenever a staffing need arises! He is present on the playground to work with the students, completing outdoor tasks and in the garden. He also supports the teaching staff by helping to plan and manage class practical life projects. Jimmy loves to share his love of baking with the Elementary students.

  • Larry Hughes

    Support Staff

    Larry joined the school in Fall 2023 as a Support Staff Team member. He is a longtime Montessori parent and now, Staff member. After a career as a professional firefighter for Baltimore City, and time at home caring for his own family, Larry is interested in working at the school to support our positive growth-oriented community. He has supported our Elementary team through the school year, was assisting at Towson campus for the summer and is now back in Bel Air assisting in any classroom that needs help!

    MSDE Certified Elementary Care

  • Hannasy Sledge

    Towson Support Staff

    Hannasy joined the school in November 2024 as a Support Staff Team member.  She is originally from PA and has relocated to Maryland.  Hannasy has worked many years in geriatrics and is now in training for a future  teacher position within the Bridges Montessori community.